This tutorial aims to produce a density-based clustering analysis of a cMD trajectory, employing as features the first 3 PCA vectors that are obtained from the GROMACS tools.
It requires a cMD *xtc trajectory file, a *tpr and a *gro file. In the first part, the trajectory is corrected with gmx trjconv and the PCA vectors are calculated for the protein mainchain. Then, the uses DBSCAN to identify outliers and performs a clustering analysis with the Gaussian mixture models. Through a kernel density-based method, the script is also able to identify the PCA vectors that correspond to the highest density of frames in a cluster, and output the 5 frames that are closest to the identified point. Then, the frames are extracted from the trajectory to separate *.gro files.
I - Trajectory correction and extraction of the PCA vectors
We start by correcting the cMD trajectory using trjconv (this assumes a truncated octahedron box, change the routine according to your box type):
`# Make a *ndx selection with the region of interest for the analysis.`
`# In this case we can use the mainchain of protein residues within 10 angstrom from the catalytic residues.`
gmx make_ndx -f ref.gro -o act.ndx
`# Correct the PBC of the octahedron box.`
echo 1 0 | gmx trjconv -f trajectory.xtc -s ref.tpr -ur compact -pbc mol -center -o trajectory_pbc.xtc
`# Fit the trajectory relative to the previously created selection.`
echo 27 0 | gmx trjconv -f trajectory_pbc.xtc -s ref.gro -n act.ndx -fit rot+trans -o trajectory_fit.xtc
Then we extract the PCA vectors from the corrected trajectory:
`# Covariance analysis to extract the eigenvectors from the cMD trajectory.`
echo 27 27 | gmx covar -f trajectory_fit.xtc -s ref.gro -n act.ndx -ascii -v eigenvec.trr -last 3
`# Print the resulting PCA vectors to a pdb file.`
echo 27 27 | gmx anaeig -f trajectory_fit.xtc -s ref.gro -n act.ndx -v eigenvec.trr -3d pc.pdb -last 3
Clean up the pc.pdb file to include only the PCA vectors:
cat pc.pdb | head -n -2 | tail -n +6 | awk '{print $6,$7,$8}' > temp && mv temp pc.pdb
II - Clustering of PCA vectors and identification of representative frames
Now we run the script to obtain the clusters and the representative frames. The script has the following usage:
python <data_file> <eps> <min_samples> <n_components>
The <data_file> should be the processed pc.pdb file, <eps> and <min_samples> define the parameters for outlier identification using the DBSCAN method, and <n_components> defines the number of clusters in the Gaussian Mixture Models clustering. The script produces a 3D plot of the PCA vectors, where the outliers are represented as black markers, the frames closest to the highest density points as white markers, and each cluster displays a different color. Additionally, the density distribution curves of each cluster are plotted against each PCA vector, with markers representing the identified frames. Initially try different <eps> and <min_samples> values to see which and how many frames are being identified as outliers. Once you have an adequate number of outliers, try different <n_components> values to identify which number of clusters is more suitable. Also take a look at the kernel density plots to see if the density distributions have a regular shape, and the identified frames lie close to highest density points.
Number of DBSCAN outliers: 29
Total number of clusters (GMM): 4
Cluster 0: 595 frames
Top 5 closest frames for Cluster 0: [ 578 721 681 647 1544]
Cluster 1: 1198 frames
Top 5 closest frames for Cluster 1: [1232 1380 1293 1919 1708]
Cluster 2: 463 frames
Top 5 closest frames for Cluster 2: [114 69 68 64 67]
Cluster 3: 215 frames
Top 5 closest frames for Cluster 3: [2015 2076 2050 2052 2054]
A clusters.csv file is outputed with the cluster numbers that each frame corresponds to (outliers belong in the -1 cluster). A frames.dat is ouputed with the top 5 frames that are closest to the highest density point of each cluster.
III - Frame extraction
Use the script to extract the identified frames from the trajectory. The script usage follows:
python <xtc_file> <gro_file> <cluster_indices_file> <output_prefix>